Absolutely. Houston Limousine Bus has procured all of the necessary licenses and permits required by the state of Texas to operate as a passenger carrier. All of our professional chauffeurs are also required to be up to date on all requisite certifications. You'll also be happy to know that all of our vehicles pass strict inspections which meet or exceed state requirements. For your protection, we do insure all vehicles and their passengers for the proper amounts as required by the State and Federal mandates.
This is one policy which allows no flexibility. There is no smoking allowed in any of our vehicles. We will strictly enforce this, and you may incur a penalty if this policy is not adhered to. This policy is in place for both the beauty and preservation of our vehicles for other customers, and out of consideration for the health and well being of the driver and your other non-smoking passengers.
Sure! As long as the extended time does not interfere with another client's reservation, we are happy to extend your stay with us. You will simply be billed according to your pre-determined rate which is already in place.
Yes! In fact, this is one of the main reasons we've found folks rent from us. This allows everyone to start having a good time from the very minute they are picked up. For this very purpose, we've installed bars and/or coolers in all of our buses. That way you can keep all of your favorite drinks ice cold and ready to drink!
Houston Limousine Bus is quite happy to take you wherever you need to go. We do not feel it is right to restrict where you go, as long as it falls under your reserved time.
We do not, at the present time, have any package deal agreements in place with any restaurants or organizations.
Hours per day
Days a week
Days a year
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